The Astronomical Observatory from Belgrade (AOB) organizes from 30 September to 2 October 2016 the first Astrophotography Workshop at  the Astronomical Station Vidojevica (ASV). The participants of the Workshop will have the opportunity to visit the ASV and to get acquainted with the both mounted instruments, 60 cm telescope and the “Milanković” telescope purchased through the FP7 project BELISSIMA with the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. The Organizing Committee: Dr. Oliver Vince, manager of the ASV, AOB, Mr. Miodrag Sekulić, observer at the ASV,  Mr. Bratislav Ćurčić, astronomer amateur, Niš and Mr. Nenad Filipović, astronomer amateur, Belgrade. More information is available here (text in Serbian).



The Astrophotography Workshop was very successful: 20 participants from Serbia and Macedonia  worked with RGB and luminence filters. Both nights were clear and fully used. Several cameras were tested and two lectures about planetary astrophography were organized with an emphasis on the “lucky imaging”. The discussions were held about the status of astronomy in Serbia and in the WBC region and the collaboration with amateur astronomers. The images taken during the Workshop are available below (please scroll down).



Two reports on the recent Astrophotography Workshop with numerous interesting images were posted on the Web site of Astronomski magazin (Astronomical Magazine):

1) We Saw Vidojevica (Videsmo Vidojevicu) by Slobodan Nikolić: the link is here (text in Serbian)

2) Vidojevačka astrofotografska radionica 2016 (Astrophotography Workshop at Vidojevica 2016) by Aleksandar Zorkić: the link is here (text in Serbian)


The Management Board of BELISSIMA thanks the participants for sharing the images.










(M1: Image by Nenad Filipović, Belgrade, Ritchey-Chretien 250mm f/8 with field corrector, ASA DDM60 Pro SBIG STT-8300 with Baader filters, R, G, B, Ha: 10x5min per filter)


(NGC6949: Image by Nenad Filipović, Belgrade, Ritchey-Chretien 250mm f/8 with field corrector, ASA DDM60 Pro SBIG STT-8300 with Baader filters, R, G, B: 7x5min per filter)


(NGC7023: Image by Nenad Filipović, Belgrade, Ritchey-Chretien 250mm f/8 with field corrector, ASA DDM60 Pro SBIG STT-8300 with Baader filters, R, G, B: 9x5min per filter)

(Image by Slobodan Nikolić, AD Aristarh)

(IC1396: Image by Nenad Filipović, Belgrade, Ritchey-Chretien 250mm f/8 with field corrector, ASA DDM60 Pro SBIG STT-8300 with Baader filters, R, G, B:  4x5min R 3x5min G i 3x5min B))


(Iris nebula: Image by Slobodan Nikolić, AD Aristarh)

(Ghost nebula: Image by Slobodan Nikolić, AD Aristarh)

(M33: Image by Slobodan Nikolić, AD Aristarh)

(M16: Image by Dejan Radovanovic, AD Antares Sokobanja, 42 frames ( 28mn ) Iso 1600)


(M27: Image by Dušan Vučković, Belgrade)

(M33: Image by Dušan Vučković, Belgrade)

(M27: Image by Dušan Vučković, Belgrade)


Original news: 23/09/2016

First update: 05/10/2016

Second update: 10/10/2016